The Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) requires that all school districts provide transparency in regards to how its learners are assessed. In compliance with ESSA, as well as State and Federal Department of Education mandates, the Big Stone City School District #25-1, 655 Walnut St, Big Stone City, SD 57216, has made public the following list of assessments, their purpose, and approximate time frame. The results of any and all assessments administered by the Big Stone City School District and its staff can be made available to parents/guardians upon request and, when applicable, will be sent home in the form of a score report in a timely manner. Please note that not every learner takes every assessment listed below.
2025 Testing Window
Name of Required Assessment
Tested Grade Level
2024-25 Test Window
(all dates are tentative) |
SD ELA and Math Assessments
Subject: English Language Arts, Math |
Grades 3-8, 11
April 15 - May 3, 2024
SD Science Assessment
Subject: Science |
Grades 5, 8, 11
April 15 - May 3, 2024
National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP)
Subject: Reading, Math, (every other year) |
Grades 4 and 8
January 29 - March 8, 2024
SD English Language Proficiency Assessment (ACCESS 2.0)
Subject: Reading, Writing, Speaking and Listening |
January 28 - February 28, 2025
South Dakota English Language Arts, Math, and Science AssessmentSD ELA and Math - South Dakota is part of the SMARTER Balanced Assessment Consortium, or SBAC. The SBAC is a consortium of states that have been working collaboratively to develop a student assessment system aligned to the Common Core State Standards in English language arts and math. The SBAC focus is on assessing students annually in grades 3-8. Each test take approximately 2-3 hours to complete.
The South Dakota Science tests measures students’ mastery of the South Dakota State Academic Standards in Science at grades 5 and 8. This test will cover the grade spans of 3-5 and 6-8. Questions will come equally as possible from life, physical, and earth sciences at all 3 tested levels. This assessment will be completely online and takes approximately 1.5-2 hours to complete. Test window: March/April |
District AssessmentsDIBELS 8th Edition is a battery of short (one minute) fluency measures that can be used for universal screening, benchmark assessment, and progress monitoring in K - 8th grade.
The easyCBM Math assessment is an online benchmark screening and progress monitoring system for kindergarten to 8th grade. The test items are multiple choice and completed online in approximately 15-20 minutes
Test Window: Tri-annually (Aug/Sept, Dec, May) STAR Reading and Math provide grade K-8 students with standards-based, computer-adaptive assessments that measure students’ reading comprehension and math proficiency. The assessments monitor achievement, growth, and track understanding of focus skills aligned to state-specific learning standards.
The assessments are completed online in approximately 15-30 minutes for each. Test Window: Throughout the year/varies by grade level. For specific dates, contact the classroom teacher. |
Other AssessmentsNational Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) in Math and Reading
Anonymous assessment of progress by the US Department of Education. Grades 4 and 8 are assessed if Big Stone City is selected for testing. May occurs once every other year at varying dates and takes approximately 2-3 hours to complete. MSAA Assessment for English Language Arts and Math Official South Dakota Alternate Standardized Assessment for ELA and Math Proficiency for learners with special needs in grades 3-8. Test Window: March/April (variable testing time) WIDA Access Placement/Screener Used to measure the English language proficiency of learners who have indicated a primary language other than English on a home language survey, and determining whether or not English language instructional services are needed. Completed upon entry in Big Stone City School and times vary for completion. ACCESS 2.0 and ACCESS 2.0 Alt Official South Dakota Standardized Assessment for designated English Learners (ELs) Test Window: Feb/Mar (variable testing time) In-Classroom Assessments Local formative and summative assessments. Occur at varied times in the classrooms and require varied amount of time for completion. |